Sunday, October 25, 2009

My New Media Class - So Far

The technologies that are part of the New Media include many computer softwares such Flickr, Picasa, Adobe Photoshop that replaced photography from the Old Media. Also included are the compressible gadgets like PDA phone and laptops. Social Networking also play an important role in the New Media,as Laura M. Holson explains in her article, "Tweeting your way to a job", social networking websites are not for the sole purpose of keeping contact with friends and family but it is also considered an extension of customer service, resolve any quick problems customers may have and to keep customer satisfaction in check. Customers, if were to be dissatisfied about the service of an industry, and decided to blogg about it on Tweeter, a company has the perfect opportunity to take those factors in account and aim for a better solution as well as aim for higher standards regarding the product or the service.

Frank Langfitt in his article, "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting," emphasizes the importance of social networking websites, claiming many recruiters have started looking for job candidates using social networking technology such as MySpace and Facebook.

Part of New Media also includes the 3-D Virtual world, such as Second Life, to help people with Autism or to rebuild a historical monument. Big companies such IBM are using SL to train their employees, and to effectively manage the cost of their annual budget.

Internet is the most important part of the New Media, without internet access it's virtually impossible to fully use the technology that is part of the New Media. Such as Second Life or the Social Networking websites. Internet provides the opportunity to get easy access to any first hand information regarding any topic.

The Old Media is gradually being replaced by the New Media, a few good examples are books to eBooks/Hypertext/ Amazon Kindle, journalism to blogs, radio to pod-casts, Blockbuster/ Television toYoutube, and from direct mails to Emails. Laura M. Holson's article, "Who Needs a TV? I'm Watching on a Laptop," talk about how she watches her favorite shows on her laptop and doesn't feel she has to own a TV.

People seem to prefer New Media, over the Old Media, primarily because New Media is easily accessible, it's free of cost and not to mention less time consuming.

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