Monday, September 21, 2009

Globalization and New Media

What role does the new media play in the scuttle of globalization?

There is definitely an ongoing debate about what the commentators would suggest. Some would say that globalization in the new media allows the flow of ideas in multiple directions, and expands the opportunity to have
diverse ideas. It also greatly expands the importance of what information is available in the public sphere, and sharing that information definitely has an impact on the private individual as well as the nation they live in. The result is less homogenization and more diversity within an existing culture.

Yet, others suggest that it creates a series of tension in the concept of "public sphere". Virtual communities are being established, where computers substitute for human relationships and a whole world is created that is only to limited to the computer screen.

As the debate goes on, my research will primarily be based on the two different sides of the new media in globalization. Although, I'm an advocate of the positive sides of the new media, I thought it would be interesting to take a closer look at the negative aspect as well.

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